

俚语 kixy


KIXY is a suitcase word a mixture of two words KISS and SEXY.
KISS that represents both gestures of affection, union, fraternity and the SEXY aspect that evokes the desire and the desire to be oneself and to assume it fully.
This word that has nothing to do with stupidity encourages men and women are limit of age to smile to life and advance despite the vagaries of everyday life.
I smile to life I am kixy
This girl is brave and claims her feminity she is pixy
this boy is confident he does not let people change his smile he has kixy attitude he is kixy


Nom représentant une personne attrayante qui va de l’avant et souri à la vie. Féminin, masculin et sans limite d’âge, elle revendique sa part de féminité et son pouvoir de séduction dans une liberté parfaitement assumée.
L’étymologie indique que KIXY est un mot valise de KISS et de SEXY.
Kiss (bisou) qui représente le geste d’affection ou d’amour et Sexy évoquant la personne qui suscite le désir.
Tu es tellement kixy !


Kixy is a movement that promotes femininity, optismism and freedom.
I always see the good side of things, I'm kixy.

That's girl is so kixy because she doesn't care what people think.

He doesn't assume his feminine side, he's not kixy.


Kixy is a movement that promotes femininity, optismism and freedom
I always see the good side of things, I'm kixy. That's girl is so kixy because she doesn't care what people think. He doesn't assume his feminine side, he's not kixy


Kixy is a movement that promotes feminity, optismism and freedom
I always see the good side of things, I'm kixy. That's girl is so kixy because she doesn't care what people think. He doesn't assume his feminine side, he's not kixy




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更新时间:2024/9/20 18:39:35