

俚语 ashwaq's


A highly empathetic individual. Ashwaq's are the type of people you can tell anything to without worrying about any judgement.
Stephanie - Omg that girl was so nice
Brittany - That's totally an Ashwaq


Pretty person kind and caring
Ashwaq is sweet and kind


Ashwaq is one of them most prettiest girl in the world.Ashwaqs are really kind and sweet and they love helping other people both friends/family and strangers .But an Ashwaq can be a real bitch if u treat her or someone she likes wrong.She can deffn make you wanna cry if you try her.Ashwaq is also a really smart girl aswell and girls named Ashwaq have easy to make boys interested in them. You are really lucky if u have an ashwaq in ur life
person 1 : omds this girl is so nice pretty and smart who is she?
person 2: thats deff an Ashwaq look at her!


She’s a straight up gangster. Looks like a complete bitch on the outside but dont be fooled she’s also a complete bitch on the inside too. Known for putting people in garbage cans . The only rare occasion that she’s nice to you is only if u likes you, other than that RUN
Omg that girl got thrown in the garbage!! Damn she was beat up ashwaq style!


An ashwaq is an extremely short individual.
"Wow that girl is so short!"
"Must be an Ashwaq"




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更新时间:2024/9/19 7:40:33