

俚语 klinks


jail. derived from the sound cell doors use to make.
i got drunk and pissed all over the sidewalk and a cop arrested me and threw me in the klink


(v.) To Klink someone is to hit someone over the head with a German World War 2 entrenching tool in a comical manner.
omfg i klinked j00! haHaHAhAha


A pompous over confident infallible person.
Jennifer: "I don't understand, I thought you said the color of the grass was blue, I'm looking at it now and it's definitely green..."

Dan: "You clearly did not understand as you lack intelligence, by blue I meant Green..."

Jennifer (under breath): "Gosh, he's such a Klink...."


A derogatory term for Klingons.

The word would be used in much the same fassion as Paki or Chink (Racist names for Pakistani and Chinese people)
I hate those nasty klinks, they keep beating up my buddy


A term referencing someone's inability to successfully negotiate a positive outcome due to their negative externalities. Most often used to describe someone's repulsive nature towards the opposite sex or corporate recruiters.
Friend 1 to Friend 2: "I'm going to go hit on that girl"
Friend 2: "How'd it go?"
Friend 3: "I Klink'd it"


"I am just Klinking interviews left and right"


1. Immediately passing out after partaking in any type of mind altering activity, eg. smoking weed, drinking, popping pills, etc.
2. Generally bitching out while everyone else continues to party.
We got so high last night and watched Katt Williams, except for Clayton... he Klinked out on us.


The symptoms associated with withdrawal from opiates
"The opiates had begun to dissipate from my body, and the klinks were starting to kick in."




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更新时间:2024/9/20 16:52:37