

俚语 knackerating


An Irish slang term for a traveller
See that cunt there? Yeah he's a knacker and a half that lad


1. Exhausted
2. Sexually spent
3. Reprimanded
4. Broken / malfunctional
1. I was knackered when I got in from work.
2. After my seventh ejaculation I was well and truly knackered.
3. The teacher caught us smoking and now we're going to get really knackered.
4. I tried to fix my dad's PC but now it's more knackered than ever.


Exhausted. now can be used entirely freely of any sexual connection.
I'm absolutley knackered, i've been working all day.


1) originaly this was used as a nickname given to the bad members of the traveling community of the united Kingdom, and the Republic of Ireland.

2) but now it can be used to describe anyone who is a scumbag/rough, not just travellers

3) also means testicles

see also --- chav, sham, traveller, pikey, scumbag, council estate, football hooligan,
{travelling community}
" these knackers walked into the bar last night, and started a fight when they couldnt get served "
bob - " aw man, theres a bunch of knackers trying to get on the bus... "
billy - " crap... "
"OW !!! godammit, you kicked me right in the knackers !!!"


tired or sleepy; exhausted
I'm feeling a bit knackered today.


1. A slang term for 'testicles'.
2. A yard where horses are killed for food or glue, short for the "knacker's yard".
3. Sometimes used in place of 'knackered', meaning 'tired' or 'worn out'.
1. He's got his knackers in a twist.
2. We sent Red Rum to the knacker's yard.
3. My knackers are knackers after all that fun in the knacker's.


spent, near death.
Origin from 'knacker's yard' where one took old horses to become pots of glue.
On my feet all day and I'm knackered.




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