

俚语 knee-mail

Knee Mail

Prayer to GOD. What someone in a time consumed world would do to expidite matters.
In this world of electronica, GOD still answers all knee mail.


Reffering to a prayer. People of the church often use it to seem funny. Changed form of e-mail
God answers Knee-mail.

Knee mail

Blow job, especially a sloppy one.
Bumper sticker on conservative car: “God receives knee mail”

Guy: lol same

knee mail

n. a prayer to God, or whatever higher being you believe in
"My girlfriend is "late" on her period,I better send out some knee mail"

knee mail

when ever some one yells knee mail and knees you in the snatch or ass or dick
joe:knee mail ..........
tyler:oww shit what was that for bitch




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更新时间:2024/9/20 12:41:47