

俚语 knob rocket

Knob Rocket

a Knob Rocket is a person who is either an asshole or a dick.
Mary: Jack just had sex with me and then broke up.
Jane: wow jack is a real Knob Rocket!

knob rocket

Can be used to describe someone you'd normaly call a cunt-prick-or twat, infront of more sensative people, children not used to street banter and old people that mite not understand more modern cussing, blaggard and bounder are ok,but cunt's still got the edge in my opinion, knob rocket can be an ice breaker, once the subject is used to your silver tounged urban banter, you can ease them into more progresive cussing.
Dont listen to that knob rocket! He's an arrid banquet (one up from a drylunch.)

knob rocket

Can be used to describe someone you'd normaly call a cunt-prick-or twat, infront of more sensative people, children not used to street banter and old people that mite not understand more modern cussing, blaggard and bounder are ok,but cunt's still got the edge in my opinion, knob rocket can be an ice breaker, once the subject is used to your silver tounged urban banter, you can ease them into more progresive cussing.
Dont listen to that knob rocket! He's an arrid banquet (one up from a drylunch.)

rocket knob

someone who is being utterly silly and or stupid
jessie your such a rocket knob!




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更新时间:2024/9/20 15:27:07