

俚语 know-nothing's


one who hasn't a clue about anything whatsoever
Edgars: We don't have a pro-shop, sir.

Captain Murphy: Who knows better, me or a know-nothing like you who knows nothing?!

know nothing

Refers to people who know little beyond their job and the small town that they love in.
The know nothing has little to know knowledge about how people outside of their nothing community is. Some know nothings leave their nothing communities and then go back because they know nothing about functioning beyond their know nothing communities.

know nothing know it all

A person who knows nothing about most topics they chime in on in conversation. This person will be 16 years old with zero experience about farming and tell a farmer about crop rotation. This person will tell a European car technician what's wrong with their car, refuse to pay diagnosis, because they used to work at Chevy in the 80s, and then bitches when the car isn't fixed.

Rather than listening and increasing their knowledge they insist to run their mouth to the point where everybody is annoyed.
Tim actually gave advice to Matt Damon about how to play Jason Bourne better? What a fucking know nothing know it all.

The New Know Nothings

The New Know Nothing Party--As with their predecessors, The Know-Nothing Party (Whig Dissenters), The New Know Nothing Party will make its official debut sometime in 2018. It is currently occupied by the kind of Republicans who fly with two right wings: President Trump's "base."
"The GOP went too far when they let that imposter Trump run on their ticket. The Republican Party as we know it will soon suffer the same fate as the Know-Nothings. The New Know Nothings are upon us.... Abe Lincoln is so dead. Oops."

Know-Nothing Conservative

An American conservative who bases his or her political stance almost entirely on party-generated talking points, and becomes angry, insulting, or panicked when presented with verifiable fact.
Know-Nothing Conservatives: followers/fans of Sarah Palin, Ann Coulter, Glenn Beck

You don’t know nothing bout this

A phrase used by older people when a younger person shows admiration for something from said old persons era. Commonly used in jest
Grandson: *puts on ray Charles*
Grandmother: oh baby You don’t know nothing bout this!

you know nothing john snow

this phrase was derived from tv serial game of thrones , addressed to john snow by two female characters of the serial in a state in which john acted reasonably.
A person who misses a bang bang opportunity acting like a wise ass.
A smart ass treating like a guy from 70's
having refused my girlfriend's tempting request for spending the night in bed with her, she just said you know nothing john snow.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 3:13:24