

俚语 knubbed


A term used to describe half an arm, or a arm stump. You could also call it the 𝓯𝓪𝓷𝓬𝔂 version of nub.
Girl 1: That girl has an arm stump!

Girl 2: No it’s called a knub!

Girl 1: Wow what a cool word!!


A form of the word noob usually used against russian in Counter Strike Global Offensive.
U R big KNUB


a term of endearment, one who is a dweeb or geek of some sort, awkward
Aww, look at Jennifer with her boyfriend, she's such a knub!


to hit repeatedly with a heavy metal object (in a video game)
"i knubbed him!!!!"


someone who lacks having a full appendage but acts completely normally.
Check out that knub, you would think he talks like a handicapped person, but really he speaks just like George Bush...oh wait...damn.


the act of contacting someone's knuckles with yours in a nonchalant salutation
like you knub knuckles after a hand shake with your friends


Knub v.: To use unconventional methods to break into another parties residence. Methods are apart from the conventional techniques such as, picking the lock, smashing the door knob, credit card pry, etc. It is usually used for causing mischief, burglary, breaking and entering, and other clandestine activities*. ~'em: To suggest the use of unconventional methods to unlock the door (*). ~ing: In the process of using unconventional methods to unlock the door of another party (*). ~ed: To have used unconventional methods (*) to unlock the door of another party.

1. -How do we get in? I don't know how to pick a lock or any of that stuff.
-Talk to Michael, he knows how to knub.

2. Grab some cardstock, rope, and a power cord and lets knub'em.

3. Shhh! We don't them to know we're knubbing them tonight!

4. -Dude, how did you get in?
-We knubed them.





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