

俚语 knuckle cheese

Knuckle Cheese

The cheese that gathers on your knuckles when you're eating anything cheesy.
"Damn, I can't go to the prom with all this knuckle cheese on me. Guess I'll have to lick it off. Waste not, want not says the lord."

Knuckle Cheese Knockout

When a man cums on his fist, and punches his sexual partner in the face.
Dude, Jen told me she cheated on me, so during our break up sex, I gave her a knuckle cheese knockout and stole her purse.

Cheese Knuckles

Something you get when you stick your hand in a bag of cheese related snacks too many times.
"Dude, I got cheese knuckles from eating that bag of Cheetos"

cheese knuckle

Like a moose knuckle except it has the overwhelming odour of rancid cheese.
Man, I can smell that cheese knuckle from 6 feet away.




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