

俚语 knuckle cock

Knuckle Cock

Finger fucking a guy's girl under the table at a bar while he is at the table, then punching him in the face afterwards, karate style, with two fingers, like Chuck Norris.
I knuckle cocked that douchebag and took a shot of Jack to top off the night.

Knuckle Cock

Finger fucking a guy's girl under the table at a bar while he is at the table, then punching him in the face afterwards, karate style, with two fingers, like Chuck Norris?
I knuckle cocked that douchebag and took a shot of Jack to top off the night.

cock knuckle

The male version of a camel toe. ie. A creased bulge in one's pants crotch caused by the squeezing of the penis against cloth.
Miguel's jeans were so tight that everyone in class saw his cock knuckle.

cock knuckle

a cock that has been abused to the point that it bends like the knuckle of a finger. also can be used as an insult.
"man, tobin wacks it so much that he has a cock knuckle!" or, "man, tobin stole my top ramen. He is a cock knuckle!"

cock knuckle

a person that is acting like an idiot or dick head
" hey andrew ! what did you do that for you cock knuckle "

Cock Knuckle

When you're fucking your bitch and when she goes to sit back on that dick and then it snaps and the area where it snaps forms a hard tight knot and causes your dick to have a permanent bend in it.
"Dude, that bitch threw that ass back so hard, she gave me a cock knuckle."

cock knuckle

When you are knuckle deep in your own asshole and then you lick it then shove it u yo bitches nose hole.
"Dude yesterday she didn't want to do anal so I hit her with the cock knuckle."

"Me next?"




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