

俚语 kodackblock



noun- When ones cheap, rubishy cameraphone or ancient brokedown point-and-shoot prevents the user from getting something better then blurry ugly photographs. This camera tech incompentence usually happens when the photographer needs to photograph fast action shots, really important family and/or friends based events, barely lit or unlit nighttime photos, etc....

verb- to obstruct a photographer's attempt to shoot a good photograph which is a photo that's clear, crisp, well framed and its subject(s) can be identifiable by most people who looks at the image by simply being a cheap and crappy and/or broken smartphone camera or point-and-shoot camera.

Related forms
The morning after the wedding reception, Diane realized that her refurbished iPhune's camera kodackblocked her as all of her photographs were either too overexposed and blurry with its cheap uncontrollable flash or too underlit, underexposed, and blurry. Either way, no one or thing in the photographs could actually be identified in any of the flubbed photographs.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 3:07:23