

俚语 koller


crazy phsycopath bitch who will kill anyone or anything in her way. frequently given the name alli or kiLLER usually a teenage girl in 9th grade sometimes looking good actually all the time shes really hot and all the boys want to make out with her ok
bitch: ew koller

Pulled a Koller

To spend the time and money to travel out of state to watch your undefeated football team play. After all the time and expense, you watch your team lose miserably.
John: "Did you hear about Greg?"
Mark: "No, what's up?"
John: "He burned his vacation time to fly to California to watch the Ducks play."
Mark: "He went there to watch the game? That's cool!"
John: "Yeah, but they were DESTROYED!"
Mark: "OUCH! Sounds like Greg Pulled a Koller"

Yaron Koller

A PhD candidate disguised as an undergraduate student
That coop student can translate machine code to OOP. He must be a Yaron Koller.

Sean Koller

A real mate one of the best shares epic handshake with a Slovenian man named Oslak. He will make you wanna call your mom and tell her your with a top tier Austrian Nigga.
Rav: Ayo Juan where Sean at?
Juan:You mean Sean Koller?
Juan:Mate he’s going crazy, pulled two hoes .

Karl Koller

Dolfy's phone guy. He usually calls him when he has a problem with something but refuses to fix it, even after a brief update.
Dolfy: I demand a cure for this ugliness. I'm fed up with being ugly.
Burgdorf: My Failure, I have no news on a cure. No one yet understands what caused this mutation. All attempts so far to restore us to our former glory have all failed.
Dolfy: No progress has been made?
Burgdorf: My Failure, you should speak with Koller.
Dolfy: Koller. Give me Koller. Koller, has any progress been made with curing our ugly problem?
Karl Koller: No.
Dolfy: Why not? There should be a way to cure us.
Koller: No, we can't be cured.
Dolfy: Yes we can, you idiot. The ugliness was inflicted on us and I believe our ugliness can be reversed.
Koller: Hold a moment. I'm receiving a note on our ugly problem. It says here we can't be cured. These mutations have permanently deformed us on a supramolecular scale. These mutations will continue to alter our appearance. Our voices are also damaged beyond repair.
Dolfy: Nothing but lame excuses from a bunch of incompetent dummies. I demand a cure. If you fail to cure us, I will hang you with this deformed phone. Unbelievable. They claim we can't be cured of our ugliness. Those are the same idiots who said the cake is a lie.
Burgdorf: My Failure, if you're so sure our ugly problem can be cured. Why haven't you actually come up with the solution yourself?
Dolfy: Back off.

Johnny Koller

Likes izzy S is weird
yeah basically i know Johnny Koller"




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