A true nig who represents not-rappers. Currently standing with a heatscore of 9216 and can go Super Saiyan 7.54 with some minor errors. This Creation of none-rapperness stands with the inspiring quote "No pecs no sex, ye". He is also known to have given people his ex girlfriends phone numbers and following it by saying "Psych thats my phone number!". But hes not a rapper.
Amir: Whoa buddy look at dat Kousha
Saheed: Whoa i know hes jacked
Hossein: Buddy dont meeeeess wit him.
Bob: Is he a rapper?
And those were Bob's last words and he was never seen again.
Saheed: Whoa i know hes jacked
Hossein: Buddy dont meeeeess wit him.
Bob: Is he a rapper?
And those were Bob's last words and he was never seen again.
A true goatrider. Kousha means Legend, king, God and many other good stuff. There is an old legend about a guy named Kousha , that would save the entire univers. A true Kousha is an Iranian or Persian born. Kousha is related to BIC. A Kousha is clever, beautiful and short.
Wow that guy is beautiful, he must be a Kousha.
Kousha is the most handsome man you'll ever meet. He is strong, sexy and clever. You can't live without him. 100% at the time are Kousha's iranian.
Kousha is so handsome.
That guy has to be a Kousha.
Every iranian guy that pretty must be a Kousha
That guy has to be a Kousha.
Every iranian guy that pretty must be a Kousha
A fat ass nigga
Person A: Oh look at that fat ass nigga
Person B: Nah thats just a Kousha
Person B: Nah thats just a Kousha
Kousha is a large sized boy who is most likely to sleep beside his Dad at the age of 12 he stink ass and he probably haven’t brushed his teeth in a week. He likes to scam friends and family for money
Person A: kousha you own me $15
Kousha: you can suck my nuts you bitch
Kousha: you can suck my nuts you bitch
Kousha khashayarfar
Kousha khashayarfar is the most handsome, clever and sexy guy you'll ever meet. He is an iranian fuckhead. He is a daredevil. He is a charmer, a true french. Kousha is amazing. You can't live without him.
Thath guy must be a kousha khashayarfar cuz he is fine.
the most amazing person in the entire world
i am in love with kousha