

俚语 kozzy


A term meaning "really good friend", typically of the online variety. Originated around 2020-2021.
It can also be used to describe a really, really, really disappointing moment in one's life.
"That's so kozzy of you omg so slayful!!"
"I wish I were as much of a kozzy as you!"
"This is a kozzy moment."


A black man, often times cunfused for a man from canada. He often times plays hockey. His birth mom was a "crack Whore". which has much to do with him thinking it is ok for a black man to play Ice hockey, a white sport.
Dude who is that black guy playing hockey?
Oh that is just kozzy, his mom was a crack whore.

Jee that explains it.


The most awesome and amazing type of person. Fun to be around and makes you want to do and be better. Positivity in human form.
Girl: I wish guys who tried to get with me were like totally kozzi
Girl 2: I totally get you girl


A Kozzi ( KAH-zee ) is a seriously crazy and backwards individual. Most often seen in his natural habitat of a messy bedroom. They are lazy and annoying creatures, often boasting loudly about their accomplishments and generally giving most others a hard time. They love their diet which consists mainly of .......

THIS DICK!!!! Got eem!!!!
Man, that dude over there never shits up....such a Kozzi.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 16:27:57