

俚语 krieger.


1.) Word for warrior in German language.

2.) Common surname within Caucasian countries. Originally used to distinguish mercenary soldiers.

3.) Name given to crazy bastards with either of two soldier mentalities or both. They can be extremely serious in demeanor, reserved, apathetic, observant, and self reliant. The others can be adrenaline junkies with a death wish and no calm or fear. If the two are combined you're left with a mentally unstable person, usually subverts associations and makes you think they're a kind hearted quiet person, generally insane and takes drastic measures when motivated. Skilled in military knowledge (Maps, hiding and camouflage, hiking, weapons use, strategy planning,etc.) and psychology.
Bob - "Damn that guys good at fighting."
Sam - "My german brother would call him a good 'krieger'".

Jake - "Damn, this one friend I had always walked on the edges of buildings and broke into places, real crazy bastard."
Larry - "What was his name, did something happen to him?"
Jake - "Krieger was his name, had a bunch of ammonium nitrate that blew up on him."
Larry - "What was he doing with that?"
Jake - "Oh the usual, trying to destroy some big banks head quarters."


It is the broken weapon in CS:GO.

The SG 553
CSGO Player: U play krieger?
2nd CSGO Player: Yea?
CSGO Player: U fucking weinker


A douche bag that treats everybody wrong especially girls that liked him. Very annoying and his face is covered with pizza. Attempts to act better than everyone.....Also a pussy.
John "Dude I heard Luke just hurt this girls feelings by telling lies about her."

Dan " Yeah I know, its very annoying"

Dan " What a krieger!"


most commonly refers to def amazing people. usually connected with many people, even the coppers! hitchikers and hobos. love ice cream, but needs water to constantly drink cuz oddly enouf they get super thirsty while the ice cream is in their mouths. ODD PEOPLE. never critical. a family of kriegers can make the perfect companions for an afternoon stroll around the town.also like to tease people consantly
-geez they look like they are having fun!
-i know. i'm so jealous. they are so kriegers.


a small, disturbing, bothersome growth located usually on or around the penis.
Person 1: "Dude so what did the doctor say?"
Person 2: "He said its a Krieger....i have to get it surgically removed"
Person 1: "Bummer"


The act of being douchier than a douche..Most typically to the point they shave their heads and get 9-5 jobs!
Man, What happened to John???? IDK he got a job, lost all of his hair, became a total douche, and moved into a trailer....I think he may have kriegerism!


to be a person that has greasy hair.

dude, you're such a krieger....

pronounced: (kree-gr)




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