

俚语 a slushy

A Slushy

Verb; To get a PT member killed cause of a Stupid aoe
Lol dude, John pulled a Slushy, and got our healer Killed


1. A delicious beverage including finely crushed ice, water and flavoured sugar syrup. Usually comes in Coke ("Froke" = frozen coke)or Raspberry flavour. Can be bought at service stations and cinemas.
2. Slut + Lush: A girl who drinks to excess, while being easy. Someone who is an easy drunk.
1. Mmm, this slushie goes down nice.
2. Mmm, this slushie goes down nice.


a yummy drink from the gas station
oo lets go get slushies!!


The girl who bangs the whole hockey

Oh, Katie? Yeah I heard the Ice Hogs turned her into a slushie.


A slang term for people who are "sloshed."


Originally referred to as a hot female who is very intoxicated at a bar or club. They are usually so drunk to the point of stumbling and slurring, while they hit on every guy in sight, hence the combination of slut + sloshie + sloshed = Slushies

1. (adj) Slushed
- slang term for being sloshed

2. (noun) Slushie(s)
- A person who is effin wasted
Just finished getting wasted
Person A BAC .10+: Duuude bra... Im fuckerd up drinkss draaanks, sheeet niiigga, sooo slushed.
Person B 100% Sober: Good job, you're the pillar of society.
Person A BAC .10+: Thatttss SO tru ohhhh my goood SO SLUSHED.

Going to get DRANKS
Person A: Dude bro, its about time to pick up some slushies at the club!
Person B: No thanks, drunk sluts are fucking stupid.


secret code for:....... fok u realy tought i wuld tall u my secret code bitch u slayinnn
slushy is one of the realest shits of the GAnG nigga


The words Lush and Slut mixed
Lush = Alcoholic
Slut = likes sex
"Stop being such a slushie."




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