

俚语 .kuppys


1. A training bra for 12 year olds.
2. When a kitty and a puppy have a baby.
3. A delicious cereal in the shapes of cats and dogs that taste like fruit. yea.
4. Best friends
1. Look at that little girl, she got her first kuppie.
2. Ew did you see that kuppie? who the fuck thought of putting a cat and a dog together.
3. MMM! Kuppies are the most delicious things ive ever had in my life.
4. Youre my best kuppie!


A nickname given to a loved one; a girlfriend more than likely.
I call my girlfriend Kayla Kuppy

kuppy cog

Kitty Cat that has an identity crisis and behaves like a Puppy Dog. Examples of this behavior include eating the dogs food, sleeping in the dogs bed, greeting you at the door when you get home from work, doing tricks for treats or cookies, playing with the dogs toys, playing fetch, coming running when you call its name, begging for dog treats, trying to run outside to do "business" with the other dogs, generally anything un-cat like that leans more towards common canine behavior. A cat that truly believes that it is a dog.
Honey, I caught the kuppy cog eating Fido's food again.

kuppy kayk

kuppy kayk = Cuppy Cake
The pronunciation is what is changing the way the words are spelled.
Sup kuppy kayk?

Whats Up Cuppy Cake?


.kuppys is a tiktoker that never posts.
“has .kuppys posted today!?”

paal kuppi

People who are hella cute
Oh i wish i was paal kuppi




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