

俚语 a spaz

a spaz

a very edgy person who freaks out over insignificant things.
you're such a spaz, chill out.

a spaz

to give birth to a pink flamboyant purse at a hockey game when a purple flamboyant hockey player jumps the boards and impregnates you
"whoa! i just gave birth to a pink flamboyant purse! looks like i pulled a spaz!"


An irrationally nervous or jumpy person.
Dude, that Tweek from South Park is such a spaz.



from spasm, or spastic

1) One who has a proclivity for wild, random outburst of activity (to be a spaz).

2) An unusual display of random clumsiness (to throw a spaz)

3) An uncommon display of exceedingly random behaviour over a brief period of time (to spaz out).
1) He is a total and utter spaz.

2) He threw a spaz and dropped everything.

3) When he heard that his hamster had died he, like, totally spazed out.


Someone who is hyperactive, or overly energetic
She can never sit still, she is a bit of a spaz


verb. to go insane, break, or otherwise act oddly.

to spaz, spazzing.
"ack! My computer is spazzing" -when your computer freaks out or crashes.

"My leg/arm/head/otherbodypart's spazzing" - which is when aforementioned body part twitches erratically.

"She's totally spazzing." - when somebody is going mad ^^


freaking out, twitching, temporary loss of control of mind and body
oh my god quit spazzing!
i'm having a spaz attack




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