used to describe actors who are overzealous about applying academic theories or political ideologies, they ignore real world complex factors, causing unwanted or disastrous outcomes.
Derived from Kwasi Kwarteng, Chancellor of the Exchequer of the United Kingdom (2022) who kwasid the UK economy with his 'mini-budget'.
Derived from Kwasi Kwarteng, Chancellor of the Exchequer of the United Kingdom (2022) who kwasid the UK economy with his 'mini-budget'.
He was so adamant on following the recipe by adding nuts, he forgot his mom was allergic to it. He kwasid the carrot cake!
There are no original thoughts or context in your book on economics! It's completely kwasid.
You're such a kwasi! Stop kwasiying your diet by the book. Juicing for four weeks isn't good for everyone!
There are no original thoughts or context in your book on economics! It's completely kwasid.
You're such a kwasi! Stop kwasiying your diet by the book. Juicing for four weeks isn't good for everyone!