

俚语 as pissed as a newt

As pissed as a newt

In Nelson's time Royal Navy junior ensign's were known as "newts." Being so young it didn't take much rum to become inebriated. Hence the expression "pissed as a newt."
Celebrating too quickly, he became as pissed as a newt.
Pissed= Inebriated
Newt= small semi-amphibian member of the salamander group.

As pissed as a newt

Too drunk to walk straight. Reference to the natural wobbling gait of a newt.

See also newted, pissed and As nissed as a pewt
Look at Mike, he's as pissed as a newt.

Pissed As A Newt

Used by one when suitably refreshed. After a heavy night out on the pop.
George: What up gangsta, where was you last night playa? we was frettin' what.
Phil: 'Old up G, me was tryin to find ya, only i was pissed as a newt innit, and so i found me a ho to poke and headed to her's.
George: Resteckpa!

Pissed as a Newt

When someone’s had one too many Guinness’
Oh that Ethan, he is pissed as a newt




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