

俚语 lackey dog

lackey dog

a construction worker who preform's the low skilled task's on a construction site like filling up machines with fuel while the operator sits there and watches you,or moving fences or cleaning the shit house
stu and Danny on your on diesel duty and after that you need to clean the shithouse, and to add to it l am gonna shout lackey dog at you, woof woof!

lackey dog

a construction worker with a low IQ level or site experience. one who preforms's all the shit job's on a construction site, filling machines with fuel while the operater sits there and watches you..moving fences, hand digging, useing the jack hammer on concrete, not only watching you but by shouting lackey dog at you,and then woof woof,
I've got move them fences and fill machine up with diesel, fuck that let them 2 lackeys stu and Danny do it, get them to clean the shithouse after it..lackey dog




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