

俚语 ass-ap


as sexually soon as possible
girl, ur booty so fine! i wanna be in u ASS-AP

ass ape

someone who "rides your ass" (annoys,nags,harrasses) constantly.
My boss is a total ass ape.

spotted-ass ape

Fictuous animal used as a descriptor of comparison to relate the speed or velocity of another object. Origin unknown.
That car is faster than a spotted-ass ape.

What the hell are you talking about? I ain't never seen no spotted-ass ape.

That's right my friend. That's because they're too fast!

Running around like a striped ass ape

1. being extremely busy or multitasking
I am glad I drank that Red Bull for breakfast this morning because I have been running around like a striped ass ape all morning.

runnin like a striped ass ape

when a joint is rolled unevenly, and burns only on one side.
when an ass wipe tries to roll and fails, epically, causing it to burn wrong, then getting his ass kicked afterwards, so u call this runnin like a striped ass ape.


A physical condition that can be caused by lots of a chafing, or over exposure to Swamp Ass. This condition causes the victim to walk in an odd manner (much like an ape) to avoid irritation. Typically occurs after sports activities, or long days of hard work.
Malcolm got walks like he has some mean Ape-Ass.

Ape Ass

2. Another word for dickhead.
Simple challenge...I call bullshit on that! MOTHER APE ASS!!




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更新时间:2024/9/20 16:53:01