

俚语 laddy daddy

Laddy Daddy

The true and righteous father of the retractable river rafting ladder. The laddy daddy bangs out retractable raft ladders quicker than a speeding bullet, and more precisely than a skilled marksman. If you want to run the Grand Canyon in the most ruthless of conditions, the laddy daddy will make sure you have a proper ladder to get you back in the boat if you take a swim.
After rick navigated the class 5 rapids spectacularly, he made the slightest miscalculation and ended up gasping for air with his boat overturned and disaster in sight. Out of nowhere, the laddy daddy appeared and guided rick back to his boat, where his retractable 3-rung ladder was waiting to guide him safely back into his raft.

Laddy Daddy

Handsome and desirable (in their opinion) fathers who frequent the 'to be seen in' coffee houses on Saturday mornings, accompanied by little people they barely recognise. Laddy Daddys just occassionally glance up from the sports pages long enough to ensure that their brood stop short of actually assaulting anyone, but on the whole regard their children simply as a lure for liaisons with passing females who find perky, branded infants irresistable.
Starbucks was a zoo that morning. Stuffed full of Laddy Daddys and their designer entourage.

Laddie Daddy

Remember when you were like four years old and your dad got home and you ran to him to hug his legs because you loved your father and he pushed you away saying that a boy that loved his father should be punished for being gay???
Don't worry.
You'll understand when you're older.
Because when you're older you can get pints with your mates and have your own Laddie Daddy.
The ultimate substitution for the hateful, aggressive, neglectful and absent behavior your biological or adoptive father or stepfather has presented to you.
So when you have your own child, you can do just the same: push him away from you whenever you can until he's old enough for his own laddie daddies.
Because hugging and kissing a laddie daddy is beyond understanding but hugging your own father... ?? No one wants to see that GAYNESS.
Laurence Kinlan is known for supporting Paul Reid, which is his favorite Laddie Daddy of course. But you can have as many you want.




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更新时间:2024/9/21 1:29:21