

俚语 assassin's syndrome

Assassin's Syndrome

When you watch an assassin movie and you think everybody from greg down the street till Brad Pitt is trying to kill you because there an assassin
Guy 1: "Woah are you trying to kill me"
Guy 2: "Chill bro you just got Assassin's Syndrome from watching Bangkok Dangerous

Assassin's syndrome

The psychological condition in which one thinks they are an elite level assassin but they are actually just a normal human being.
The syndrome usually comes with randomly pointing guns to the sky or empty windows, plotting how to murder someone, daydreaming about being an assassin, etc.
Andrew's wildest fantasy is that he jumps off one building onto a helicopter after assassinating a billionaire, but in reality he needs someone to help him with his Assassin's syndrome.




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更新时间:2024/9/21 11:15:25