

俚语 lal's


\\lɑ:l\\ silent!
meena: i recorded her voice when she started to dish the dirt about my family my job my children. i'm so annoyed i'm hurt broken inside, i'm gonna bring criminal charges against her! i I will cook her goose i'm gonna i will kill her! one hour later i go to office! watch me!
lara: lal meena lal ! oh lord what on earth girl? Please speak clearly


live a little
"No Michael, Iwill not jump of that 70m cliff into the water with you" shouts Ronan. "#LAL" replies Michael as he jumps of the cliff into the water dying almost instantly.


Lacht Aus Laut

German for "Laughing Out Loud"
"u r suxxx roflll"
"lal stfu"


Live And Learn
From my experience, it’s better to be safe than sorry, but LAL.


Short for the term 'Live A Little' but much cooler then YOLO! Used by extreme hipsters and people who like to live on the edge.
Bree: "Should I wrap my head in Yellow streamers and call myself Shelby?"

John: "LAL"


Lei av lol.

Norwegian for "tierd of lol"
Per: Morra di er tjukk!
Anders: LOL!
Ailo: LAL


Lal - A common computer phrase which is derived from the forthcoming words Lol/Lawl.
Example - Reply to a previous statement: Lal that was funny.

Example in a conversation -
Statement: I are teh Ninja!
Reply: Lal




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更新时间:2024/9/20 11:36:44