

俚语 ass broke

ass broke

No money at all and none coming in.
Unemployment ran out and I have no leads. I'm ass broke!!!

flat-ass broke

When you get so broke that eating nothing makes your ass skinny.
Guy #1: Daaaamn, girl got no back.

Guy #2: Why dat?

Guy #1: She flat-ass broke, man.

broke ass

It is what it is, a broke ass, which means u got no money u broke ass mafucka.
You look like a broke ass Ice T!

Broke Ass

1. Out of Funds/No Money
2. Not Adequate and/or Unfavorable situation.
(Example #1)

"Hey John, want to go to Sarah's party tonight?"
-John replies, "I'm not going to that Broke Ass party"

"Sorry Adam, now the plans are ruined and we have no way to make the trip to the lake"
-Adam replies, "I didn't want to go on that Broke Ass trip anyway."

(Example #2)

"I'm sorry Son, we are some Broke Ass parents and have no money for toys."

"I cannot believe you cannot pay for this with yo Broke Ass."

broke ass

1.concerns a person who is a complete loser or bitch, can pertain to either a person's monetary worth or a person's significance
2.similiar in meaning to (1.), but in this case with regard to a thing, stating that said thing is of little to no worth
1."I can't stand that broke ass Rick. He never shows up when he says he will."
2."My car is totally broke ass. It sounds like I'm driving a lawnmower."

broke ass

Something of lesser quality. A worse version of something else.
You look like a broke ass Captain Planet!


A person who either has no money or is in debt beyond their means.
I got drunk last night and somehow called in a bet for money I do not have. My broke-ass now needs $900 by Monday and I have $150.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 12:40:16