

俚语 assburger syndrome

Assburger Syndrome

It is a disease of which causes the person to shit burgers the size of a bigmac. In some cases people with assburger syndrome produce chocolate milkshakes when they have diarrhea.
The retarded police man has Assburgers Syndrom, he can make milkshakes too.

Assburgers are yummy, I wish I had Assburger Syndrome

Assburger Syndrome

when u shit out burgers
Retarded police man had assburger syndrome

Assburgers Syndrome

it is when your body (most likely ass)
shits out burgers. it is very painfull but only a myth
hey my friend just got dignost with Assburgers Syndrome

Assburgers syndrome

A rare genetic condition which targets the gluteal muscles of adult humans, transforming them, over time, into a sandwich.
Janquilence: But I thought assburgers syndrome was-
Snansthony: Nope. It's this

Assburgers syndrome

A condition suffered by people from the Munster area. Symptoms include chronic masterbation coupled with an intense desire to get their point across by talking and gesticulating in an exasperated manner
No.... No... No.... Basically.... It's assburgers syndrome

Assburger syndrome

The puzzled look brandon willis gives you while conversing with you
Brandon looks as though he has a touch of downs syndrome but i do believe it is assburger syndrome he is suffering from !!!

Assburgers Syndrome

False self-diagnosis of High-functioning Autism (asperger's syndrome), mostly used by nerds with no social skills as an excuse for the complete failure to understand irony in real life.

Might also refer to a slightly autistic person with a nice ass

Assburgers was mentioned in southpark first S15 E8.
Cartman: Are you serious? How can there be- Oh my God! You're saying I have ass burgers??

Nurse Bronski: This doesn't make sense. Are you trying to sneak food into the school or something?

Cartman: What are you talking about?? I got vaccinated from the school, and now clearly I have Assburgers!

Nurse Bronski: Very funny!

Cartman: Well I'm glad you think Assburgers Syndrome is funny! Just note my condition on your records there!




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