

俚语 ass chat


When a person (especially a customer) stands behind you, asking questions, while you're bent over doing a task.
Customer (seeks someone bent over): "Excuse me, where are your kids books? Oh, wait, do you work here?"

Bookseller #1: *Gets up* "They are right over there."

Bookseller #1 to Bookseller #2: "Why did she ass-chat me instead of waiting until I got up, or just ask you?"

scrub ass chat bitch

Someone who is indeed a scrub while holding the title of a chat bitch.
fuck you scrub ass chat bitch kys!

chat ass

Occurs when people spend way too much time infront of the computer chatting and eating snacks. The ass gets bigger and contours perfectly to the chair.
From behind it resembles (___|___)
person 1: I'm hoping to land me a job staring at a pc all day.
person 2: Yeah that would be great, but you'll end up with chat ass.

boring ass group chat

This one.
Damn the group chat with Riley, deven, Natalie, deven, and Jaelyn is a boring ass group chat

ass chat

a booty pic sent on snapchat
hanna just sent me an ass chat LOL




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更新时间:2024/9/20 16:29:50