Khalistani and Bhindrewala supporters who do marketing and making people count of Langars they have served till date are called Langarchods.
Langarchods are also the ones who block roads on Delhi Punjab highway
Langarchods are also the ones who block roads on Delhi Punjab highway
Person 1 : We served you langars and now you ain't supporting us
Person 2 : Basically you are a Langarchod
Person 2 : Basically you are a Langarchod
Langarchod is a khalistani supporter who first makes you count that he has served you langar so technically you are now his slave and should be doing what he has ordered you to do.
Bikh boy : Hey Dindu, support the farm laws because you ate our langar
Dindu : Oh !! So you are a Langarchod ?
Dindu : Oh !! So you are a Langarchod ?