people who aren’t from Lao nor does not have blood of a Lao being. They are consider a so called ‘Laoboo’ and should stop... Genuinely common to other name ‘Koreaboo’ people who want to be this culture instead of their own and want to switch. in other words “over obsessed..”
Laotian: *in lao* oh you fluent in Lao
The ‘Laoboo’: i’m legit huh ! *speaks in Lao too*
Laotian: * in lao* haha no... you Laoboo (laughs 555)
The ‘Laoboo’ : *speechless* ...
The ‘Laoboo’: i’m legit huh ! *speaks in Lao too*
Laotian: * in lao* haha no... you Laoboo (laughs 555)
The ‘Laoboo’ : *speechless* ...