

俚语 largely there

largely there

the term used to denote something that will never be completed. think, sagrada familia, sydney opera house, war on terror
pm> simon when will that piece of work you said would take 2 days to complete 6 MONTHS ago???
simon> its largely there

At large

A term meaning something that is free and unanswering to authority or being searched for, especially a criminal.
There are three suspects at large involved in the recent homicide case.


one thousand United States dollars
So send my sister a hundred large, and the next time you come down to Jessup, it won't be my grill talkin' at you.


Something of excessive size. Normally associated with heavy as well.
I am going to take something large and bludgeon you to death with it!


The act of waiting several days before taking a shit. Making the turd “large”.

Part of a new health trend in California to save water.
I’d ask to use the bathroom, but I’m larging this week.


A compliment- referring to either muscles or more commonly, the mail genitalia. Also associated with terms such as "biggie" or "bigs". Add "particularly", "fairly", or "rather" for added enjoyment.
Joe: Bob, you're looking rather large toay.
Bob: Why thank you Joe, you're pushing 12 inches yourself.

by and large

the way an old man describes overall, in general, all things considered
By and large, New York City has the best shopping in the northeast




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