That thing that goes off when you're late for shit
Damn, I'm late for my shirt at McDonald's, I musta missed my larm
Boring or uninteresting when compared to someone or something fun and colorful/interesting ie. the cereal part of lucky charms.
Man, I love marshmallows, so I think that Lucky Charms are great; I could do without all the tasteless larms however.
A human being that has long arms and long legs, rendering them a noodle being. A deer person. A dainty friend.
Look at that larm over there! I bet she can reach the top shelf and hug me thrice!
abbrieviation of Laugh.At.Racism.Mate. In no way racist, a commical slur used of which can also mean "mate" and/or "lol" (laugh out loud). very common amongst the xbox live community from souther england/london in particular
Alright Larm, (in response to someting funny) Larm at that
An arm with enough muscle so that it is as big as a leg.
Yo bro look at that dudes larms. Hes hella jacked.
acronym for "licensed ass rimming madam"
Phil arranged a tryst with his larm jeanie, she performed her specialty to his satisfaction, he tipped her and as a bonus to her returned the favor.
Legs that get used as a second pair of arms.
she just used her fucking larms to open that door, what the fuck!