

俚语 ass creep


An Ass-Creep is an ugly rat faced male with a cheese-like body odour. They look at other males asses and sometimes touches these asses, This persons penis is VERY small and yet they still feel the need to talk about it 24/7. This person will scare you to death and make you cry.
Oh no! Joe's coming! He's such an Ass-creep, Don't look at him or your eyes will bleed!

Ass creep

An ass creep is someone who is obsessed with big asses, they live in their parents loft and send photos of their penis to any girl they know with a big ass. They also tend to drive around in small white cars and stare at people with their beady little eyes.
Hey that ass creep was sending dick pics to my girlfriend again!

Mine too! I think we should crack his bald head like an egg!

Creep Ass

A guy who makes girls feel uncomfortable usually an older guy.
Example 1: AJ that security guard is such a creep ass

Example 2: Mr.Amato the gym teacher is such a creep ass he was creeping on Jackie

creep ass

a guy thats extremly creepy or horny. most times they creep or lurk searching for their next prey
girl #1- i just saw a guy looking through my dorm window!
girl #2- damn! that must be that creep ass senior

creep ass

all around sketchy as hell, especially in a sexual way. used to describe boys who are dirty, sketchy, and way too horny.

creepy assholes
those boys we chilled with on saturday night were so creep ass that all 5 of them hit on the same girl

creep ass

A certain UCSB boy who spends his spare time fucking burritos purchased from Freebirds and after heavily drinking alone in his dorm room for many hours, sneaks into girls' rooms and engages in the act of stroking their legs while they sleep.
Girl #1: OMG! I woke up last night and CREEP ASS was stroking my leg!

Girl #2: UGH! No way! That is a creeper move for sure!

creep ass

Beau, T-stad Tom, Albino Wigger
It is so wack how the creep ass's lurk around Pflueger.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 6:52:21