

俚语 latication


A fictitious vacation created by setting your location manually in Google Latitude.
I couldn't even afford a staycation this year, so I went to Barbados on a latication.


A synonym for condoms. Usually used in a playful manner.

Probe- stick in
latic- plastic
Yo Ralf, i need me a probe-a-latic, Jessica comin ova and she said its on!


to heavily seasure on the floor in the act of listening to somthing horrible mainly songs
That song was so crack-a-latic i almost started foaming at the mouth!


Shes a very quiet but loves to be center attention she’s also introvert as well. She faithful and wear her heart on her sleeves.. she’s always giving To others but don’t mess with her cuz her bite is louder than her roar
Person one: hey who’s that girl in the corner looking like a whole snack she is fine asf

Person: that’s Latice she is fine but she’ll cut you if u cross her




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更新时间:2024/9/20 12:11:29