

俚语 #laugh


when a smile has an orgasm.
the girl told a joke and everyone starting laughing


When you exert loud excited noises from your body while experiencing pleasure and enjoyment
Wow, I'm laughing so hard right now!


A smile having an orgasm.
Dude1: Oh dude look at that smile it's totally orgasming
Dude2: That's called a laugh...


A word Jackscepticeye shouts when he slaps a whiteboard and knocks some markers off
Jack:L! Lovers, A! Ass, U!...You!,G! Gamer *Duh* and H! is for Happy! put em together what do y’all get? what do ya get? what do ya get? *Slaps the whiteboard* LAUGH!


A way of expressing that a joke was funny.

Synonynms: chuckle, giggle, snort
I laughed so hard last night!


You don’t laugh … ?

Lol you did … Saturday eve as arriving home ..

Looked very happy .. hence my post ..

One of my last …

You ask why I don’t believe you? … do something I see with my own eyes .. then write here the complete opposite, knowing I know it’s pure fabrication.. yet …

Lol .. anyways .. you proved your point …


Yesterday the same .. no laughter ..

Ok ….
Laugh .. at me obviously ..

Hanl …


Laughing. Is a way to tell your friends their joke was not funny at all when they think it is funny. Created by Noah Henderson in 2020, it is a phenomenon for all people to enjoy except Layth Faddah, the former owner of the word
Person 1: Layth Faddah should be the Laughing. Owner
Person 2: That joke is so bad I’m Laughing. So hard rn
Person 3: you are a uneducated swine person 1




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更新时间:2024/9/19 16:57:40