

俚语 asserole


A frozen dinner that, when nuked, smells like ass.
"Dude, what's he cooking for lunch, an asserole??"

"Yeah, I don't know how he eats that crap!"


1) Severe soiling and or staining of old undergarments resultant from one's disbelief in the use of toilet paper;
2) A thing which one carries for too long.

Coined 9 Nov. 2020 by Domonic Potorti - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
"If your father carried around his asserole all day in his pants, you should not use his underwear, though they are clean (albeit stained), to polish the dining room table."


A big crap or load of diarrhea. Mainly occurs soon after eating a big meal and may contain strange combinations of identifiable chunks of food as is with a casserole. Props to Lumpy.
Man, after eating that #1 from Burrito King, I gotta go make an asserole.


What you call a casserole after you ass has been on it.
why does that casserole have an indent in it?

haha, dude that's no casserole... that's an asserole.

Mashbrown Asserole

Fisting your girlfriend's ass while enjoying a hearty, southern style breakfast.
What did you have for breakfast today braaaahhhh? Some Hashbrown Casserole?

No broooohhhhh. Eggs sunny side up and some Mashbrown Asserole. She couldn't walk to get a cup a coffee when I was done.

baked bean asserole

When you spread someone’s ass cheeks (preferably after it’s preheated if yk what i mean) while they’re face down booty up then you open a can of Bushes baked beans and pour them into their anal cavity. You then shut their cheeks together and let it simmer for a minute. When you open up them cheeks you have a nice warm baked bean asserole ready for your enjoyment. Don’t forget your spoon!
Bobby…I’’m really cravin a baked bean asserole

Green mean asserole

The person no one wanted at their Thanksgiving table but somehow makes it to yours every year.
“Is there going to be a green mean asserole at the table again this year Karen, tell me you didn’t invite him? “




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