

俚语 laurel & hearty

Laurel & Hearty

Refers to a pair of girls, where one of them is thin (yet of marginal looks), while the other is a fat girl. The thinner, uglier girl pairs up with the fatter girl in order to make herself look better (that is, in the eyes of potential suitors). A reference to the classic comic duo of Laurel & Hardy, where there is a thin person (Laurel), while the other (Hardy) is bigger (in this case, owing to the heavier girth, it is corrupted to Hearty- like a hearty appetite).
(Roger and Dave, looking at two girls on the street, resembling the aforementioned above)

Roger: Hey, Dave. Look at those two girls. The skinny girl is kind of ugly. What is she doing hanging around with the fat girl?

Dave: Don't you know? It's a classic case of a Laurel & Hearty. Can't you see that the thin ugly girl is using the fat girl to make herself look better?




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