

俚语 ass fly

Ass Fly

An unattractive and uninvited guy who attacks from behind and attempts to dance and/or grind on your ass while you are dancing with your girls.
Better spray the DEET tonight...you look so hot you're gonna attract an Ass Fly.

Big ass fly

A “Big Ass Fly” is a house fly that is the proportionate size of a grape and has the loudest buzz known to man and will thump into your wall many times because it’s fatass is too slow to turn. You can usually encounter this monstrosity while taking a monster shit, or when your disgusting swamp ass won’t clean up the dirty dishes in your room. The best way to get rid of a Big Ass Fly is to suck it up with a shop vac, or kill it with a fly swatter.
Dude what the hell, there is a Big ass fly in my room!

Blue-ass fly

A British/Scottish/Irish way of saying house fly, and to make it sound like you’re doing alot, when you actually arent.
person 1: “I’m running around like a Blue-ass fly!

person 2: “oh! need any help?”

person 1: “im not actually doing much but it’d be a big help!”

fly ass hoe

A skanky looking girl who roams large social gatherings looking for a hookup that isn't you.
Jim: Damn Paul. That is a good looking lady coming to talk to us.

Paul: she isn't coming to talk to you. She is a fly ass hoe.

flying ass wrap

when one runs backwards, jumps in the air and wraps their ass cheeks around another's face as they tackle them to the ground
Shawn gave Nick a flying ass wrap the other day! I couldn't believe it!

Venus Fly Ass

The involuntary response of a heterosexual male when you place a figer too close to his ass hole. The hair detects activity, immediately causing the asshole to tightly clamp shut and the guy in question to jump.
During foreplay, when Mel put her finger too close to Jon's Venus Fly Ass, he clenched and yelled "hey! don't do that" - my ass is a one-way chute!

flying ass fuck

The sexual act of fucking a bare-ass hot bitch from behind while riding a motorcycle at high rate of speed. The girl is sitting on your stiff cock with her arms extended like she's flying.
Tiffany was pulling a "flying ass fuck" on Robert while speeding down the road on his Harley!




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