

俚语 ass foam

ass foam

2 parts shit 1 part cum.
Alex quickly pulled his dick out of his girlfriends ass producing wicked ass foam. She ass foamed everywhere, ruined the sheets.

ass foam

the lather that forms on a horses ass when you ride it hard in hot weather.
The barista at Starbucks used ass foam for froth on all of her non-tipping customer's coffees.

Ass foam

The result of explosive diarrhea that looks like a root beer float once it lays to rest in the toilet.
That Mexican food we ate last night gave me such bad ass foam.

Ass Foam

When somebody spreads his ass cheeks and you spray lysol in his asshole and it turns into a foamy substance called ass foam.
Dan put his ass foam on Joey and joey said meheeeeeeee!!

Foam Ass

Foam ass is used to describe a female bum in a positive way. It was invented by Jonny Foam Ass.
Look at that foam ass Cameron!

memory foam ass

when a guy/girl has an extraordinarily soft behind.
Eric: Broooo, Cbass has that memory foam ass!
Cbass: ?!?!




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