

俚语 ass foo

ass foo

Term used as a compliment. Also a way to talk to friends.
"Sup ass foo"
"Trippin ass foo"

down ass foo

A foo that is down to do whatever from not backing downing to be trucha all day
Ayy you know that foo.
Thats a down ass foo right there my boy

sick ass foo

to tell someone that they are crazy (in a good way)
ROGER: "man i hooked up with like 4 girls at that party lasy night!! you should have been there!!"

PAUL: "fuckin roger!! your a sick ass foo!!!"

foo ass

An individual who constantly and continously screws up. They are always the one that fcks stuff up and never gets anything right. They are usually the one in a group who has the most screw ups and never does anything right.
'you such a foo ass'
'dave, you foo ass'
'Quit f'ing $hit up, foo ass!'

Foo Foo Ass Bitch

Someone that goes on long walks at night in an attempt to cope with their eternal rejection from love.
The Foo Foo Ass Bitch went on a long walk after spending another valentines day alone.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 5:12:46