

俚语 laylyn


Laylyn is someone everyone loves, everyone can get along with she cares so deeply for the ones she keeps close you definitely want to be someone she keeps close. Don't cross Laylyn because the people she keeps close will do anything for her, if you hurt a Laylyn you better know you fucked up and you better do something about it. Laylyn has this way of making everything else disappear when you look into her eyes, she is the only thing that matters in that moment. If you find a Laylyn never give her up she's got it all, she's smart she's outgoing she's the life of the party everything is better with her, plus she's absolutely fucking gorgeous. Keep Laylyn around for as long as you can nothing is the same without her.
"You know that Laylyn chick?"
"Yeah she's hot as fuck"


Fucking bitchy ass person that no one even likes. Spreads rumors and always has to try a get with someone or have a boyfriend.
No need for an example the definition tells it all... Laylyn...




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更新时间:2024/9/20 7:24:11