L - Lesbian, a women loving a women
B - Bisexual, Loving men & women
G - Gay, a man loving a man
T - Transgender, not identifying as the gender you were born with.
Q - Questioning/Queer, questioning is when you are discovering if you are in the LBGTQ, or figuring out. Queer is when you are apart of the LBGTQ+
+ - Is standing sexualities & genders such as, asexual, pansexual, intersex, omnisexual, demigirl, and many more.
B - Bisexual, Loving men & women
G - Gay, a man loving a man
T - Transgender, not identifying as the gender you were born with.
Q - Questioning/Queer, questioning is when you are discovering if you are in the LBGTQ, or figuring out. Queer is when you are apart of the LBGTQ+
+ - Is standing sexualities & genders such as, asexual, pansexual, intersex, omnisexual, demigirl, and many more.
Person 1: Whats LBGTQ+?
Person 2: It's a community for gay, lesbian, bisexual, pansexual, omnisexual and etc people!
Person 2: It's a community for gay, lesbian, bisexual, pansexual, omnisexual and etc people!
How Donald trump says LGBTQ. Technically it still works, but still goes to show how dumb he is that he can't figure out how to say a sequence of 5 letters. He did learn from his mistake and start saying "LG......BTQ" (just as bad)
"I will help the LBGTQ community"