

俚语 leggings girl

leggings girl

a skinny girl who wears leggings with just a t-shirt or a big jumper
"Are you a leggings girl?"
"Nah. I'm not skinny enough!"

Lululemon legging girls

Lululemon legging girls are your typical white girl from short hills with daddy's money and probably takes french instead of spanish. All they most of the time wear are lululemon legging, or other brands' leggings, and in the summer they wear lululemon short shorts. They are most of the time very annoying and rich, but sometimes, if you are lucky, you would find a nicer one. If you tell them anything, the rumors will spread faster than the australian wildfire.
look it is the lululemon legging girls-
looks like they are buying sushi for an afterschool snack with daddy's money.

Little Girl Leg Syndrome

A condition in middle-age men where the power generated by their legs in cycling, running, or really any sport, is equivalent to the power output of an 8-year-old girl.
Dude, why can't you keep up?

Come one, man! You know I have Little Girl Leg Syndrome.

National rub a girls leg month

National rub a girls leg month
National rub a girls leg month, you have to rub a girls leg unexpectedly in the month of October




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