

俚语 legs for days

legs for days

The term for a physical property of a female whe she has long and sexually appealing legs
"Did you see the legs on that cocktail waitress?"
"Yea dude, she had legs for DAYS!"

Legs For Days

Luscious, fine, smooth pair of legs on a woman.
Jordan-Bruh Fiona got legs for days!
Julio-You right on that

leg day

Leg day is a mysterious day that most beginner lifters don't know about. The more expreienced lifters only include leg day for the simple fact that they don't want to be featured on the next "never skip leg day " meme
Joe: hey bob have you ever heard of a leg day?
Bob: I have never heard of such a thing, lets go workout arms bro.

Leg Day

The worst day of the week. Sucks because you would rather be hitting arms, or shoulders, or chest, or even back, but you are stuck working the part of your body that shows the least. Usually involves a large amount of walking around, stalling, and hype. If you skip leg day, you will be deemed a bitch and be called such from then on out. Best pump, but usually involves the most work
"Hey tom, you hittin leg day?"
"Fuck yea brah, I ain't a bitch, leg day every day!"

Leg Day

traditional known as rest day / modernly known as arm day
Are you working out today?
Nahhhh, it's leg day

Leg Day

A day in which you work the lower half of your body until you cry blood, it is the ultimate way of proving that there is no God.
Man, leg day was so awful it felt like Christ took a shit on my soul.

Leg day

100% concentrated hell on earth. Will leave you sore for the rest of the week and will make you weak in the knees.
It's worth it though and if you skip it, it's justifiable to call you a homosexual.
John: Hey bro, you up for leg day today?
Matt: Nah man, training legs is gay.
John: Don't be a lil bitch.




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