

俚语 leki


Leki is a complicated “gal”. She’s definitely an interesting person, she gets pretty decent grades, A student. Beautiful inside and out, she has a strong heart. She’s being through a lot but she’s still going on, surprisingly! She’s a good person but it takes a while to earn her trust. She’s very fun to be around with and a huge jokester. She’s an INTP but she’s pretty outgoing, it mostly depends on her mood. she’s a gemini and she’s the god of doing her eyeliner! She’s a skater girl and she’s swag and has the best fashion sense, if you have a good style with good music taste she has definitely fallen for you!. Swaggiest girl you will ever meet! If you have a Leki in your life consider yourself the luckiest person on EARTH.
Person1: Have you heard of the new girl Leki?
Person 2: Yes! Shes something different I must say.
Person: Also check out her kicks! She’s sick, let’s be her bestie lmao.


A little blue cat from Sorcerous Stabber Orphen. Although Leki may look like a little blue cat, it's actually a baby Deep Dragon, it seems. Therefore it's extremely rare, and extremely powerful. Leki has chosen Cleo, for reasons only known to itself, and follows her around as sort of her pet. Leki is capable of blowing stuff up as well as other things, so it can defend itself if it wishes too.


Literally just scorch with a voice changer
Man 1: Yo some kid with a voice changer tried to get nudes
Man 2: So he was being a Leki?




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更新时间:2024/9/20 19:36:45