An amazing person. Really modest. Likes to put others first. Very sweet and caring. Has a lot of admirers. Attracts attention everywhere she goes. Awesome friend.
My friend is such a Lekshmi. I told her she was pretty and she called me crazy... Then some random guy approached her in the street and gave her his number, email address, and Facebook.
Cute girl but very stupid cant count above 12 and loves darren Haha
Lekshmi is a cute girl Sike.
lekshmi enjoy spending time alone, thinking about how things work, and coming up with solutions to problems. lekshmi have a rich inner world and would rather focus their attention on their internal thoughts rather than the external world. she typically do not have a wide social circle, but she do tend to be close to a select group of people.
why are all the lekshmis so introverted? it's so hard to get them out of their shell, but when we succeed it's so worth it!