

俚语 lelouched


By intentionally being mean to someone so they have a easier time forgetting about you.
"I just lelouched my ex, party time for the boys"


A person who is 100 steps ahead of you. Don't play him in Chess.
You: Alright then, Pawn to e4.

Lelouch: I win


Someone who is, and always will be, better than you.
Random guy: "Dammit, this is the 9001st time I've lost; can't you at least let me win one?"

Lelouch: "No."


The only man that can have the best grades in the school, not study, be school-board vice president, kill his parents, rule a country, die, and live to tell the tale.
Lelouch...'Nuff said


A lelouch is a theatrical act in which a protagonist acts as if they are no longer on the good side, to push those close to them, away and out of the danger they might bring

Phrase arose by the popular anime "Code Geass"
Character 2: "Why'd you change?"
Character 1: "It was all a lelouch, I didn't want to see you hurt."


Badass protagonist from the anime series Code Geass + Code Geass R2. Willing to kill others to achieve his goal of destroying the empire of britannia. Has command of the power 'geass' to make others obay his every command.
Lelouch: And now, i order you, all of you, DIE!

Geass'd Guardsmen: YES, YOUR HIGHNESS

*commence suicide*


Anti-hero of the series, Code Geass and Code Geass: R2. Contracted with C.C. to obtain the Geass of obedience where those under the effect of Geass are to obey him regardlessly. At the last episode, he dies in order to purge the world from evil. (This is referenced from the magazine Code Geass is created from. They have officiated that Lelouch is dead because his name is on their "Dead" list.)
Lelouch vi Brittania commands you, "Die!"





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