Leowook could be possibly considered a friend of the youtube algorithm, he is growing on youtube very fast! He has as of the 4th of April, 2021 in EST hit 50k subscribers, this is a social media milestone on a site known as YouTube! He is quite nice to his community generally and seems to chat with them! He is growing quickly on youtube with several videos he has uploaded such as, "I ran for President on my Brother's Survival Multiplayer Server...", and his most popular video as of writing this at past 300k views in some metrics for some of his videos, Leo seems like he is growing quick and soon might possibly become one of the biggest influencers on the platform! As well as that he does as of now, Minecraft Youtube content and is generally known as a youtuber making content for audiences generally above the American age of 13 and that type of metric, however, the content changes and that may change in the future or be partially or very inaccurate!
Tako: "Imma ban leowook" - Discord