

俚语 leper's


someone who suffers from leprosy...this does not mean that their limbs fall off, just that their nerve endings die, so they cannot feel pain. This means they can't tell when they are wounded, and often develop gangrene. That's when the limbs fall off.
it's ok to hurt lepers because they don;t feel pain. people with diseases aren't real people.


Someone who has clapped their hands.
Manny: *claps hands*
Stanky: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH its a leper!!!


Someone who has Leperosy. May have Facial and Body disfigurement. (i.e. The face around the mouth has caved in (literally) )
' Oh my gosh, that guys face has caved in! I think he's a Leper!'


a person who sperates themselves from everyone. sometimes just cause they smell. an outcast, a kid who eats alone at lunch or in the bathroom. anyone with no friends. like losing friends to losing body parts.
"that leper makes me sad, should we ask him to eat lunch with us?"
"...he's a leper for a reason."
"good point."


1. One who constantly cancels appointments, meetings, and friendly gatherings.
2. An acquaintance that constantly fails to follow through on a prior arrangement or obligation.
- Derived from the term leprocy. Leprocy is a communicable disease that causes lesions to the skin and disfiguring of organs. This is followed by flaking of the skin. Flaking is used in direct correlation with leper.
"Mooney is such a Leper! That is the third time in a row we were supposed to hang out and he never showed up!"
"I had talked to Mooney two times yesterday on the phone and he was supposed to meet me here two hours ago! What a leper!" (a similar word is Flake)


(noun) - A (typically highly educated) professional working in the United States due to scarce technical skills and in spite of a a deeply Limited English Proficiency (LEP). This is a very common malady in technology companies, university science and engineering departments, and government agencies that import significant portions of their workforce
Our electrical engineering department is just full of LEPers. Nice guys, and you can get lectures in circuit theory in any of 5 dozen asian languages, but there isn't a damn one of them that can hang together two English sentences.


A person with a disease that causes limbs and organs to detach from his/her body. Lepers are usually highly skilled in art and music, and some have a great talent for animation.

Lepers are often found in the forests of northern Canada and Poland. They live in small forest houses, rarely leaving their safe shelters.

Other effects of leprosy are back injuries, carpal tunnel syndrome, and tendinitis/epicondylitis.
Yikes, that leper over there is insane.




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