

俚语 ass kiss


A person that will say "yes" or "no" at the correct time, to gain favor from his or her boss, or political affiliate.
Dave is such an f'en asskiss.
Did you see how Dave asskissed him up one side and down the other?


Contagious disease that is caused by employees seeing others getting promoted by kissing the bosses ass and they follow suit. Symptoms include brown nose and lips with blindness to the bosses ineptitude.
Have you seen how brown Sheila's lips are lately, looks like she has a bad case of asskissitis.


Jeff Kreinbrook
I can't stand people who Jeff Kreinbrook their way to the top


A person who kisses peoples asses

the bitch kissed my ass

trump asskisser

A die hard Republican that will support Donald Trump regardless of what he says or does even if it involves sexual assault or other serious allegations. Undying loyalty to Donald Trump and his madness.
Person 1: That guy really likes Donald Trump.
Person 2: Oh, he must be another Trump asskisser.

Jewy Asskisser

A person seeking some sort of advancement from a Jewish individual by spreading his/her butt-cheeks and kissing their ass-hole leaving a brown residue on their nose. (Usually asking for money because of the assumption that Jewish people have a lot of it).
Guy 1: What does Fellman think he's going to get from being such a Jewy Asskisser?
Guy 2: I dunno. Ask Ryan his nose is already brown.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 9:26:14